Floral Dreamland

Top and jacket: Forever 21// Skirt: Neon Rose// Wedges: H&M// Bag: Zara// Chain: Stradivarius

Hi gals (and guys) out there. How have you been? I have been having an underwhelming couple of weeks lately - due to the disgusting weather and just all in all general suckiness. Call it the "Mercury-in-Retrograde" effect. I don't usually believe this kind of BS but I just read this morning on my weekly horoscope that my sign is actually gonna get it hard this month, just because Mercury is in retrograde, and after the week I've been having, it's kind of hard not to believe now. Anyways, here's my set for today. 

This photos were taken on the weekend, a particularly gloomy day, but not enough to dampen my spirit. We found ourselves in this run-down little park we used to hang out in, and it happened to have a little portion of the fence covered in wild flowers. It's funny, isn't it? How it looks so beautiful in pictures and quite ugly in real life? This is literally the only pretty spot with all the flowers, there's a patch of dirt to one side where they seem to be digging something, and just greyness and fence on the other side. Makes you wonder about some of those Instagram photos doesn't it? Sometimes I think our generation is too obsessed with showing off beauty in our social media accounts, even fake beauty. Just a combination of fancy filters and taking just a small part of a larger picture. Or maybe it's because our generation can see the beauty in the ugly?  

Anyways, the park still had the best view of the peninsula though. A great, quiet place to sit down, talk, and examine our life so far.

I wore this bright, cherry red, loose floral top I got at a bargain in Forever 21 and paired it with a black skater skirt. Nothing that clings because I want my weekends as comfy as possible. It rained approximately 30 minutes after these photos were taken. But I hope you enjoy them anyway.

See you soon, Che



  1. Very interesting perspective on seeing the beauty in the ugly... cute outfit post though.

    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'

  2. Your top is super super cute, looks perfect with your outfit; you have a kind and nice smile, it is good to see smiling people ;) ;) ;)

    Bisous from France,


  3. You look gorgeous, I love this look! Those shoes really pull the whole outfit together.


  4. What a cute floral print! Love it with all the black too ;)
    Haha, and nothing wrong with underwhelming! Overwhelming is a bit much if it's every week :P

    The Dragonfruit Diaries


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