Stripes & Crochet

Jacket and Jeans: Pull & Bear// Top: Stradivarius// Booties: Topshop// Bag: Nessa

On Leon: T-Shirt and Jeans: Pull & Bear

Rain. Sunshine. Rain. Sunshine. Rain............take me away please?

If you think I'm messing with your mind because my pictures seem to depict one sunny day followed by one rainy day, well...I'm not. That just happens to be the weather here right now. If I had lived anywhere else, I might have loved spring. Spring is the calm after the cold storm that is winter; it's the time of light showers and lots of soft sunshine. But Macao spring is the most erratic season: hot, searing summer sunshine followed by days of rainstorms, making it one of the worst weathers you can find yourself in. Everyone gets sick. Like, literally sick.

Anyways, I made sure my outfit was as rain-proof as possible. No metal jewelry to corrode, no fabrics that cling, oh, and of course, no suede and/or cloth shoes. Yep, that's why I ended up in loads of leather, because it's rain-proof. Also in my outfit, my crochet top from summers past and these new, awesome jeans. I got them on the Pull & Bear sales pile for 75MOP. Yep, about 9USD. They were the last in my size, and aren't they awesome? 

Do you find it such a bother to leave the house on rainy days? I'd much rather stay inside, cuppa coffee in hand, wrapped in a blanket and watching a marathon of my favorite TV series. Yep, we left only to take pictures and grab a late Thai lunch. Awesome in a 'I-did-not-accomplish-nothing' kinda way. I don't regret it in any case. Tee hee. Been brushing up on my TV, via internet. My favorite shows are Sherlock, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Castle, Cougar Town and Modern Family. I'm planning to watch Orange is the New Black and Hannibal. Yes, for Leon and me, movies and TV is a serious business. If you're on the fence on what to watch, feel free to ask me, or you can watch any of the shows above =) They're all awesome! So, what are some of your favorite shows on TV? Let me know and we'll discuss! See you soon - Che



  1. We hardly ever get rain--Colorado is basically a desert . . . with snow in the winter. So I personally love the rain! But I also love your striped pants!

  2. lovely look! im in love with your jeans:D
    would you like to follow each other via twitter, GFC, and instagram? That way i wont miss a thing! Just let me know if you did and i will follow you back instantly dear:))

  3. Great outfit, I totally love the leggings - but my real favorite here is still the leather jacket. That is so gorgeous! ♥

  4. Love those pants! And those shoes are so cute :)

  5. omg your stud jacket! Want it so bad! I lvoe your rad look babe <3

  6. Perfect outfit. Your crochet top is wonderful.
    Great style ! :)


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