Alice in Nowhereland

Because Wonderland is taken, and Macao is sort of like the city version of the middle of nowhere. Seriously, sometimes I feel like it is just too small, there's almost no place to go and nothing much to see...I wish I could travel somewhere, which I might, but I'm not sure about it yet.

Anyways - enough ranting - this outfit was inspired, I think, from Alice, in Alice in wonderland. I mean, that's what it reminds me of...I love dressing in whimsy little outfits! The denim moto jacket is something I thrifted in Red Market, as well as the basic grey tee inside.

I love Alice in Wonderland, both the cartoon version and Tim Burton's version. There's just something so oddly endearing about how wrong the colors look and how everything is too big or too small or oddly misshapen in the movies...and I think it's so different from other cartoons...definitely a fave. And Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter (Red Queen!!!) are in the T.B. version, which makes me love it moreeeeee!

I love this ruffle skirt; one of the things my sister and I traded on. She didn't like the skirt so she traded it with me for a dress that fitted me wrong - happy us!

Alright, that's enough talk for me - more pictures!

And that's it lovelies, happy blogging!

kisses ~~

- Che -


Denim moto & tee : Red Market
Shoes : Parisian




  1. You are so adorable and I totally love your outfit. Great blog hun I really like it. Maybe we can follow eachother?
    from your latest follower =)

  2. Thanks for liking my outfit, dear :) welcome to my blog!

    - Che -

  3. Laughing at the 'oblivious to public humiliation' bit! I adore your hair. It's so curly and free and lovely!
    And your floucy skirt is perfection!

  4. Ur pics are getting better with every post.
    Well done girl

  5. Ahhh the memories, twas born and raised in Macau :))
    Love the pictures :))

  6. @ Vanessa: thanks, I just cut it pff tho ;)
    @ Jovana : thanks!
    @ Choiii : Really?? that's so great!

    - Che -

  7. Thank you for the comment on my blog! I'm following you now honey :) Your outfit is super cute, love the necklace and your hair!! It's amazing, so long and beautiful :) xxx

  8. Love it che! You look amazing here, really! ♥


    Just a bit of Eurica ♥

  9. Love this look! Especially the owl and the shoes. But I'm also a huge fan of grey, and you did a fab job mixing up different tones of it here.

    Shots are great too. Love you blog, doll! I'm a follower now.


  10. haha...your second comment was quite funny :) thanks for following dear! welcome to my blog!

    - Che -


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